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The MSLR Vision

The Milford Sound Link Rail (MSLR) is, at its core, the most practical and sustainable way to control the impact of visitors to Milford Sound Piopiotahi. The project represents an ambitious and world class approach to the issues faced in Milford Sound.


The pristine nature of Milford Sound is characterised by its seclusion, located inside the beautiful Fiordland National Park and opening out to the Tasman Sea. 

Unfortunately, thousands of daily visitors combined with only one access road (State Highway 94), a high alpine pass, a one-way tunnel, and limited land for parking makes the present transport system unsustainable and access problematic. 

MSLR's solution addresses access, road safety, parking, future development and sustainability issues. 

The Concept

Hollyford Valley to Milford Sound


Stage 1 aims to address current parking and access limitation, and crowding issues at Milford Sound. The proposal includes a Park and Ride facility in the Hollyford Valley, followed by 24.5 km of light rail to Milford Sound. There will be an 11km tunnel connecting the Hollyford Valley and Cleddau Valley.


It will free up existing parking space at Milford Sound for more visitor-centric facilities, such as a Milford Sound Visitor Centre, retail and dining. 

Minimise diesel and petrol pollution in Milford Sound from buses and cars. 

The project will bring grid power to Milford Sound, making electrification of the tourist boat fleet a reality, further reducing diesel pollution. 


Tunnel tailings will be available for a reclamation at Deep Water Basin, allowing for the expansion and improvement of the existing fishing boat commercial port area to include a second tourist boat terminal.

50% reduction in the "crowding effect" once a second tour boat terminal is constructed. 


In addition, the tunnel tailings could also be used to raise and strengthen the existing Milford Sound Airport. Such airport upgrades (outside the scope of the MSLR proposal) will safeguard this important element of aviation infrastructure against future rising sea levels due to global warming, and maintain the airports operational safety with the demands of increasing number of aircraft movements, and the use of larger and heavier aircraft.



Stage 1 Map JPEG.jpg

Dart Valley to Hollyford Valley

Queenstown to Milford Sound (via Glenorchy)


Stage 2 addresses the tiresome and lengthy two-way journey between Queenstown and Milford Sound on the single road, by making it more efficient tour operators, and providing greater levels comfort and enjoyment for our visitors.


This stage provides the option for driving from Queenstown to the Dart Valley, via Glenorchy (either by bus or on private vehicles), followed by a 13km tunnel between Dart Valley and Hollyford Valley. This will connect to Stage 1 of the Project to complete the Journey to Milford Sound. The Dart Valley tunnel portal is located approximately 5km outside of the Mount Aspiring National Park boundary.


For substantial numbers of visitors to Milford Sound who come from and return to Queenstown in a single day, Stage 2 will drastically reduce return travel time from 9 hours to 4 hours.


In addition, this shortened journey time between Queenstown and Milford Sound would allow many more single day visitors the option to loop travel either way via Te Anau. This journey time saving of 2-hours from or return to Queenstown would provide many extra visitors the time to also experience the fabulous sights and attractions currently missed in Te Anau.

This will produce a major reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from the present return journey of 580km to 204km, of which 80km of travel will be via electric powered light rail. 

Encourage time-strapped visitors to venture out to Milford Sound, who otherwise do not have the time.

The increased flow of visitors to Milford Sound can be spread over a longer window of operations from 9am to 6pm (and to 9pm in peak summer months). With a second tour boat terminal in use, and longer hours of operation, this will significantly reduce current overcrowding conditions. 



Stage 2 Map JPEG.jpg
Image by Janey Aron

MSLR Limited sees Ngāi Tahu as a natural partner in the project and has held early discussions with iwi dating back to 2016.  Ngāi Tahu's involvement is proposed to be a core aspect of the MSLR project.

Key Points


Grid power brought to Milford Sound


Deepwater basin reclamation and future requirements for parking allows for Airstrip remaining 


Transport over 4,000 passengers daily


Improve fishing boat area and allow for second tour boat terminal


The latest technology from Europe will bring Milford Sound into the future


Free of overhead wires within the Milford Sound village area


Significant reduction in travel time once stage 2 is operational, allowing much longer daily visitor windows 


Grid power to Milford Sound makes electric boats possible 


Ability to future-proof for increased passengers daily

Timeline and History of MSLR
Image by Adam Edgerton


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